For your convenience I have complied a list of all the possible user-designated variables. These range from A1 through Z9. The purpose of the list is to help you keep track of which variables you use in your game, and what they were used for. Print out a copy of the list, then as you work on your game, every time you use a variable, make a note next to it on the list. Just something short that will help you remember what you used it for. If you fail to do this, you may forget and end up using the same variable for two or more different functions. This would create all kinds of problems in your game, and can be very difficult to sort out.
The first list was composed using MacWrite. Use this list if you have MacWrite, or some other word processing program that can read MacWrite files. It has already been formatted to fit on standard typing paper.
For those of you who do not have MacWrite or another compatible program, I've included a SimpleText version of the list. I don't know if the page spacing is correct, so you may have to play with it a bit to get the paging to come out right when you print it. Or you could copy it into another program and adjust the pagination there.